your local congregation by
self-publishing your sermons
as books and ebooks on Amazon.
Hi! I’ve been an executive assistant to lead pastors.
So, I have a pretty good idea of what your world looks like.
It's busy, sometimes chaotic, and people expect a LOT from you!
Sometimes church gets messy, but what really matters is
getting the Gospel MESSAGE out!
You want to spread the good new of JESUS and take care of your flock, but there's a lot of stuff that needs to get done
to run a great ministry.
This is where I come in.
Readable Reach helps you publish your sermons on Amazon as books and ebooks, so you can reach more people, change more lives, and make a greater impact, while you focus on what
only YOU can do in your church.
I have been trained in Bible, theology, church history, and apologetics. So, I understand the material.
AND, you never have to wonder about the status of your book, because we send weekly status updates until your book is
out in the world on Amazon.
Let's get started!